quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Generosidade: temos ou não?

Fazer perguntas difíceis. Talvez este seja o primeiro passo para causar de fato alguma mudança no mundo. Muitas vezes não temos as respostas ainda, não concordamos com todas as opiniões, mas estamos prontos para a mudança e no final, é isso que importa.

Divido aqui um comentário e um vídeo que assisti recentemente, separe um tempo para se questionar também.

Sasha Dichter: The Generosity Experiment

Sasha Dichter: The Generosity Experiment from NextGen:Charity on Vimeo.

Sep 19 2011: "Unlike many of the commenters on this site, I have actually been homeless. To those of you who refuse to give money to homeless people to “protect” them from using it for drugs and alcohol, let me share something with you: when you refuse money to a homeless addict, they do not think, “Gee, I guess I’ll just have to go to rehab now. I wonder how much the Betty Ford Center costs?”No. What they think is, “Oh, shit – I guess I’ll be giving out $20 blow jobs again tonight. I hope at least one of my dates agrees to wear a condom, but I’m in no shape to argue.” Or, “Nobody pays attention to car alarms anymore – thank god. I guess I’ll have to break some car windows , and ransack around for change.”Detoxing on the street is agonizing and very often fatal. By giving money to homeless addicts, you may be saving them from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, Grand mal seizures, heart attacks, strokes, hallucinations, and delirium tremens. And if they have any money left over after preventing those symptoms of withdrawal, they just might buy themselves something to eat.If you want to refuse money to a homeless addict, then go ahead and do so. But please, don’t delude yourself that you’re doing them or your community a favor." Penny white

O que você acha?

Aloha e ;-*kas

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